Alex Cherry, Aenema
Alex Cherry, Submission complete
Alex Cherry, Television rules the nation
Alex Cherry, How to disapear completely
Des images surprenantes!
Surprising images!
Sources: Winter Sleep, Of Sound and Vision
vendredi 30 novembre 2007
Alex Cherry
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Art numérique/Digital artwork, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Illustrations
Greg Lendeck
Greg Lendeck, Hive
Greg Lendeck, Cells 1
Greg Lendeck, Subatum
Greg Lendeck, ah+1
Greg Lendeck, Grove
Subtilité et transparence...
Subtlety and transparency...
Sources: Dear ada, Wax paper cutout album Flickr
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
1 commentaires
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Papier/Paper, Photographies / Photographs
Sophie Arnold
Sophie Arnold, Looking up, lithography
Sophie Arnold, Grey and Oatmeal, lithography
L'architecture minimale : lignes et formes.
Minimal architecture: lines and forms.
Sources: Modern Craft, The fine art company
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts
Loan Nguyen
Loan Nguyen, Mobile (série), 2000-2005
Loan Nguyen, Mobile (série), 2000-2005
Loan Nguyen, De retour (série), 2005
Loan Nguyen, De retour (série), 2005
De magnifiques photographies où le vide et l'attente prend tout son sens.
Splendid photographs about vaccum and waiting.
Sources: Fffound, Madameloan
jeudi 29 novembre 2007
Light emiting Wallpaper
Juste une image...
Just an image...
''With Jonas Samson's high-tech light-emitting wallpaper it's possible to use a two-dimentional flat surface as light source instead of a 3D object. As long as the wallpaper is turned ‘off’, it is indistinguishable as a source of light. ''
Sources: Fffound, Jonas Samson Design
Matthew Shlian
Matthew Shlian, Macros, paint pen, ball point pen, marker, contact paper,19 x 36 inches 2007
Matthew Shlian, Four years later, pen, pencil, sharpie, paint pen on vellum 19 x 25 inches 2007
Matthew Shlian, Xu bean nigthmare, pen, pencil, sharpie, paint pen on vellum 19 x 25 inches 2007
Matthew Shlian, Light book, cut vellum 8 x 8 x 1/2 inches 2004
J'aime pour la ligne, les formes et la déconstruction de l'image.
I like for the line, the forms and the déconstruction of the image.
Sources: Winter Sleep, Matthew Shlian
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books
mardi 27 novembre 2007
Sérigraphie Cinqunquatre
Alice Jarry, sérigraphie sur bois, 2006
Alice Jarry, 2006
Alice Jarry, Bateau II, 2006
Jason Cantoro, Knock out, 2004
Jason Cantoro, Nouveau pirate, 2004
Jason Cantoro, CSBNY, 2006
Autre découverte à Expozine: Sérigraphie Cinququatre. Ces deux artistes de Montréal font de magnifiques images!
Other Discovered in Expozine: Sérigraphie Cinququatre. These two artists of Montreal make splendid images!
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design Graphique/Graphic design
lundi 26 novembre 2007
Bridge motel fly away
Juste une image...
Just an image...
Return on Expozine 2007 / Retour sur l'Expozine 2007
Voici quelques livres trouvés en fin de semaine à l'Expozine à Montréal:
En haut à gauche / YPF Yearbook 3, Collectif,
En haut à droite / Morning Lost, Kim Kielhofner,,
En bas à gauche / Late, Nicolas Temese,,
En bas au centre / The GlassFrontier drawing 2007, Aaron McConomy,
En bas à droite / Preface to something that may never exist, Nicolas Temese,
Here some books found this weekend at the Expozine in Montreal:
Top left/ YPF Yearbook 3, Collectif,
Top right / Morning Lost, Kim Kielhofner,,
Bottom left / Late, Nicolas Temese,,
Bottom in the center / The GlassFrontier drawing 2007, Aaron McConomy,
Bottom right/ Preface to something that may never exist, Nicolas Temese,
J'ai fait de belles trouvailles. Beaucoup de bonnes B.D., de revues indépendantes, de petits livres abordables et des sérigraphies magnifique!
I made beautiful lucky finds. Many good Comics books, independent press, small accessible books and spendid serigraphies!
vendredi 23 novembre 2007
Tommy Perman
Tommy Perman, European exchange : Finnieston, Glasgow
Tommy Perman, aberdeen gallowgate 1
Tommy Perman, Satelite building, Sheffeild
Tommy Perman, Mono Culture, artist's book
Travail multidisciplinaire très intéressant!
Very interesting multidisciplinary work!
''I am an artist / designer / musician based in Edinburgh, Scotland. I work in the fields of visual art, graphic design, performance, installation, sound and music. I try to view all my creative output on the same level and a great deal of my work concerns the boundaries between the fine arts, design and music. My work often combines traditional methods with new digital technologies and I divide my time between solo and collaborative projects.
I am a member of the artist collective / band FOUND and run a small independent record label called Surface Pressure Records.''
Sources: It's nice that, SurfacePressure
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Art numérique/Digital artwork, Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books
jeudi 22 novembre 2007
David cousin-Marsy
David cousin-Marsy, Projet villes invisibles
David cousin-Marsy, Projet villes invisibles
David cousin-Marsy, Projet villes invisibles
David cousin-Marsy, Interstices et entre-deux
Belle recherche photographique. J'aime le regard!
Beautiful photographic search. I like the glance!
Son travail est exposé jusqu'au 25 novembre à l'espace Canopy, 19 rue Pajol dans le 18ème à Paris.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Photographies / Photographs
Pixelgarten, Hoehenluft, 2007 (Quelques vues de l'exposition / Some exhibition view)
Ces images me font penser à l'hiver ( il neige au Québec ).
These images make me think of the winter (it snows in Quebec)
''Pixelgarten are Adrian Nießler and Catrin Altenbrandt. We are based in Frankfurt am Main/Germany.Our work includes art projects as well as design, typography and illustration. A lot of our projects are somewhere inbetween art and design.''
Sources: Fffound, Pixelgarten
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Collages, Design, Installations, Photographies / Photographs
IJM Studio
Chinese spring, IJM, Jossy Albertus
Chinese spring, IJM, Jossy Albertus
Spring is the..., IJM, Photos Karin Nussbaumer
Cinema Oriental, IJM, Photos Karin Nussbaumer
Cinema Oriental, IJM, Photos Karin Nussbaumer
J'aime les photographies de ce studio de design. Des histoires racontés par l'image.
I like the photographs of this design studio. Stories told by the image.
Sources: Galet&Galette, IJM Studio
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
1 commentaires
Libellés : Décoration, Design, Mode / Fashion, Photographies / Photographs
mercredi 21 novembre 2007
Matthew Picton
Matthew Picton, Amsterdam, 2007
Matthew Picton, Baghdad 1944-2007, 2007
Matthew Picton, Milan 1832-2007, 2007
Matthew Picton, The Ganges (detail), 2007
Superposition de modificatons d'un lieu par la cartographie, j'aime l'idée.
Superposition of modificatons of a place by the cartography, I like the idea.
"Cartography has long played a central role in my work, featuring prominently in the cracked parking lot drawings and sculptures and the ocean floor sculptures. These new sculptures transform the two dimensional mapped image into multi-layered sculptures of the communication, transportation and river systems that comprise the current city. The “map” has been animated and transformed, the natural abstraction of the map extended into a work of art that is at once abstract and tangibly real in the same moment." Matthew Picton, September, 2007
Sources: Dear Ada, Pulliam Deffenbaugh Gallery
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Cartes / Maps, Urbanisme