Superbe vidéo sur l'évolution d'un projet d'art dans la rue au Jappon.
Superb video on the evolution of an art work in the street in Japan.
jeudi 31 mai 2007
One week of art work
mardi 29 mai 2007
Lisa DeJohn
Lisa DeJohn, Poems Bring Happy
Lisa DeJohn, Ships in Fleets
Lisa DeJohn, Ships in Fleets
J'aime les formes, les matières et les texture. Belle créativité.
I like the forms, the matters and texture. Beautiful creativity.
"Originally a midwest girl. Born in Detroit Michigan and raised in Barrington Illinois. My mother, an artist, encouraged my creativity every day. My father, an avid outdoorsman, took me on many fishing trips and hikes. Always insisting that I look closely at the details in nature and that I sit and listen to the sounds of it.
I studied fine arts and sciences at the University of Oregon and then moved to Portland Oregon where I lived for ten years as a working artist. In June of 2005 I moved to a rural area in the North Shore of Massachusetts where I have continued my career as a painter, designer and mixed media artist. I am continually inspired by the natural beauty around my home." From her website
samedi 26 mai 2007
Rob Strati
Rob Strati, Fold (small) 2, 2006
Rob Strati, Form, 2006
Rob Strati, Scroll, 2005
Pour les formes, la lumière et la transparence...
For the forms, the light and transparency...
vendredi 25 mai 2007
Erin Petson
Belle utilisation du mixe média...
Beautiful use of mixed media...
"An artist and illustrator, Erin works at the cutting edge of traditionnal and mixed media. Her love of drawing blends seamlessly with textures and montage to create powerfull and provocative images. Her subjects are often withdrawn, on edge and detached from their surroundings, which adds to the mystery of Erin’s work and contrasts its delicacy. Erin constantly experiments with media, scale and reference in her work. You are likely to find tape, collage, magazine clippings and textiles in amongst her pencil drawing and painting." From her website
jeudi 24 mai 2007
Bevk Perovic Arhitekti
Department of mathematics, faculty of physics and mathematics, ljubljana, built: 2004 - 2006
address: Jadranska 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana, project team:Matija Bevk,Vasa Perović,Nika Prešeren,Robert Loher,Maja Valič, photo: M.Kambič
Bureau d'architectes qui font de beaux projets... Lignes et transparence...
Office of architects who make beautiful projects... Lines and transparency...
mercredi 23 mai 2007
Daniel Bélanger "Dans un spoutnik"
Vidéoclip de la chanson de Daniel Bélanger "Dans un spoutnik" de son album "Rêver mieux".
Videoclip of the song of Daniel Bélanger "Dans un spounik" of the album "Rêver Mieux"
Un artiste québécois fascinant aux chansons profondes.
A fascinating quebec artist with deep songs.
Camilla Engman
Les illustrations et les collages de Camilla Engman offre une vision féminine du monde toute particulière.
The illustrations and joinings of Camilla Engman offers a very particular woman vision of the world.
mardi 22 mai 2007
Samantha Krukowski
Samantha Krukowski, Heart, ink on mylar, 16"x16", 2003
Samantha Krukowski, Nerves, ink on mylar, 16"x16", 2006
Samantha oriente sa pratique dans divers directions : dessins, peinture, architecture, écriture, multi-médias. Démarche ouverte inspirante.
Samanthas' interest and practice go in various directions: drawings,painting, architecture, writing, multimedia. Open statement. Inspiring.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings
Tim Marrs
Tim Marrs est un illustrateur très inspirant par son utilisation de différents médiums.
Tim Marrs is an illustrator very inspiring by his use of various mediums.
You are Everything
You are everything est un catalogue d'images sur une multitude de sujets et de possibilités... À visiter absolument!
You are everything is a catalogue of images on a multitude of subjects and possibilities... to visit absolutely!
dimanche 20 mai 2007
Francesca Berrini
Francesca Berrini, Handendats Pt.,Torn Map Collage on Canvas,24in x 24in
Francesca Berrini, Slahzasta,Torn Map Collage on Canvas,7in x 5in
Francesca Berrini, Gebukhta, Torn Map Collage on Canvas, 24in x 24in
Les territoires recréés par Berrini m'inspirent... Quelle belle façon de jouer avec des cartes...
The territories recreated by Berrini inspire me... Which beautiful way of playing with maps...
"Francesca Berrini transforms vintage maps of places she has longed to visit into fine art maps of entirely new and imagined worlds. She obsessively tears up original vintage maps into tiny pieces, and then reconstitutes them, using a painterly process, into new maps and directional devices that reflect a longing for places unseen.
At first glance, from afar, Berrini's works look like a collection of high-quality maps and atlases with unfamiliar continents and geographic markings. As you examine the details of the maps a bit closer, and try to follow the geographic and geopolitical information displayed, you do a double-take as you realize that the maps themselves are actually constructed from miniscule pieces of other maps, forming new terrain, new geographies, and new names of places in entirely new languages. Berrini maintains the abstract language of maps, yet plays with our notions of their unspoken authority and overall usability. " From Veviza gallery website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Cartes / Maps, Collages
National Arena Scotland
Foster & Partner, National Arena Scotland, Glasgow, UK, 2005-2009
Forme et lumière...
Form and light...
"Scotland’s National Arena will be an exciting new addition to the expanding cultural and event hub at Glasgow’s Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. The new Arena will provide an outstanding indoor venue for concerts and performances. A highly flexible building, it is designed to accommodate a wide range of events - from pop concerts to grand theatrical shows." From the architects'website
samedi 19 mai 2007
Pälvi Hanni
Pälvi Hanni, Rising Low, aquatint, polymeric photogravure, chine collé, 2006
Pälvi Hanni, Notes, etching, softground, polymeric photogravure, 2005
Pour la beauté des formes et des ambiances.
For the beauty of the forms and environments.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts
vendredi 18 mai 2007
Mike Hollinghead (Extreme Instability)
Mike Hollinghead, Grand Island Supercell, May 10, 2005
Mike Hollinghead, Highway 12 Nebraska Supercell, May 28, 2004
Images saisissantes et instables...
Seizing and unstable images...
"An experimental animated short I made for Mosaic's HOME show. It's about finding comfort in your own creations no matter how much you may hate them. Also some sybolism relating to a sonogram and a bird's nest. Music by MOBY. Won 3rd place in the Northern Colorado Film Festival." Info from U-Tube
Mum, Green Grass
"Green Grass of Tunnel was made by the talented team of Joe Gerhardt and Ruth Jarman from Semiconductor. Inspired by the mysterious terrian where the music was made they remodelled the very lighthouse and valley the band lived whilst recording Finally We Are No One. They also brought to life Ovar's playful drawings that can be seen on this video. More of Semiconductor's work can be see here at their homepage" Info from U-Tube (more)
Le Wub
Pour découvrir des sites et des créateurs. Un incontournable!
To discover sites and creators. Unmissable!
"Prolongeant l'esprit de la créature martienne créée par Philip K. Dick, LeWUB est un site gourmand de curiosités diverses et variées ! Fabriqué et animé par Omer Pesquer depuis juin 2000, LeWUB propose actuellement un guide de sites Web, des dérivations obliques, ainsi qu'un "outrepart" présentant les titres des actualités d'une sélection de sites."
jeudi 17 mai 2007
Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid, Edifici Campus, Barcelona, Spain, 2006-ongoing, Card relief in plexi box, 60,5 x 120,5 x 25 cm / 23.82 x 47.44 x 9.84 inch
Zaha Hadid, Garden City Resort, Guggenheim Museum Competition, Singapore, 2005, Card relief in plexi box, 60,5 x 120,5 x 25 cm / 23.82 x 47.44 x 9.84 inch
Zaha Hadid, Pierres Vives, Montpellier, France, 2002-ongoing, Card relief in plexi box, 60,5 x 120,5 x 25 cm / 23.82 x 47.44 x 9.84 inch
Pour les formes, le papier et le blanc...
For the forms, paper and the white...
"Hadid is a forerunner to the quotidian in today’s language of contemporary architecture. Before the advent of computers, her notions for building designs for today and the future began as abstractions on canvas and paper with obvious references to Russian constructivism, vorticism and futurism. This was no passing quote from past genres but a knowing absorption of historic art movements whose ambitions clearly pointed beyond the scope of the canvas. Hadid’s vision was so complex and light-years ahead of her time that people could not even relate or understand the levels of abstraction, which in her mind must have seemed as plain as daylight. Here she presents a new body of work made specifically for the show that uses paper in a relief-like fashion, resulting in a three dimensional drawing with no marks and a way of turning origami into a hyper progressive form of art and design." From the Arndt & Partner Gallery Website
Terra Trance
Latest work by Rinpa Eshidan featuring our 3-D artists Akari Sasai and D.H. Rosen.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : animation, Art de la rue / Street Art, Videos
mardi 15 mai 2007
Lok Jansen
Lok Jasen, Cityscapes Illustrations
Lok Jasen, Hong Kong photographs
Pour l'ensemble du travail...inspirant.
For the whole of work... inspiring.
"Lok Jansen is a freelance illustrator and architect based in Tokyo."
From his website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Illustrations, Photographies / Photographs
Sierra Madre Oriental in Coahuila, Mexico
Sierra Madre Oriental in Coahuila, Mexico
"This desolate landscape is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, on the border between the Coahuila and Nuevo Leon provinces of Mexico.This image was acquired by Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on November 28, 1999. This is a false-color composite image made using shortwave infrared, infrared, and green wavelengths. The image has also been sharpened using the sensor’s panchromatic band. Image provided by the USGS EROS Data Center Satellite Systems Branch" From earth Observatory Nasa Website
lundi 14 mai 2007
Interactive architecture
Recherches très intéressante sur les graffitis et les nouveaux médias.
Very interesting research on the graffiti and the new media.
"Interactive Architecture is an illustration of the concept that digital projections can interact with the surfaces upon which they are projected. G.R.L. is proud to introduce Agent Watson; specializing in British ninja tactics and particle systems." Info from U-Tube
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Art de la rue / Street Art, Videos
Augmented Architecture
Vidéo amusant...
Amusing video...
"Application of Augmented Reality in Architecture and Urban Space - Architecture thesis project in Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture Paris Oct 2005 by Quck Zhong Yi, with help from Alexandre Pachiaudi (Pico), Anny Galanou, Gaetan Kohler, Nicolas Trouillard, and Leila." Info from U-Tube
samedi 12 mai 2007
David Dimichele
"David DiMichele’s current body of work, Pseudo Documentation, is a series of large-scale photographs depicting grandiose installations in fantasy exhibition spaces. DiMichele creates this work by first building scale models of exhibition spaces, and producing original artworks in drawing, painting and sculpture mediums, which are sited in the spaces and then photographed to create the final works. The Pseudo Documentation photographs are inspired by DiMichele’s background with photography, installation art, abstract forms and passion for monumental museum and gallery architecture combined to create this photographic series of work." from Paul Kopeilin Gallery Website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Photographies / Photographs
vendredi 11 mai 2007
Tez Humphreys
Tez Humphreys, Anthem Magazine, Globalization in Music
Tez Humphreys, Happy Family, mixed media collage on canvas
Texture et réalisme des propos...
Texture and realism of the remarks...
"Ambitiously creative from a young age, Tez Humphreys was born in a small coastal town in North Wales. Drawing mainly faces, Tez had a sketchbook basically strapped to his left ankle, which has always been a daily vital importance to him. Later on while attending the University at Leeds Metropolitan, Tez attended the Ba Hons Graphic Arts and Design course, which really brought out the best in him. Here he found his strengths in composition, collage, and mixing with paint. He has a studio displaying found “kitsch objects”, and textured surfaces which he collects and believes that they “are all part of a subconscious cycle of events that one day everything will be used in a piece of work.” Tez is inspired by James Jean, and many masters dating back to the Pre-Raphaelites, traveling, and seeing everything as an inspiration. Always experimenting with different processes such as screen-printing, cut and past collage, photocopying, Photoshop, but mainly staying organic and textured, loving and letting accidents happen. Tez hopes to be globally recognized as an illustrator/designer, and would like to be a part of a multi-disciplinary studio, getting involved, and starting a collective. "
Extract taken from Carpul Tunnel Magazine 03/06 on his website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Collages, Design Graphique/Graphic design, Illustrations
Edrengiyn Nuruu, Mongolia
"The Edrengiyn Nuruu forms a transition zone between the Mongolian steppes to the north and the arid deserts of northern China to the south.This image was acquired by Landsat 7's Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on August 13, 1999. This is a false-color composite image made using shortwave infrared, infrared, and green wavelengths. Image provided by the USGS EROS Data Center Satellite Systems Branch." From Earth Observatory Nasa Website
Wang Qingsong
Wang Qingsong, Commercial War, 170 x 300 cm, Photograph, 2004
"My new work "Commercial War" focuses on the power of ads and the misconceptions that ads can create. For this photo work, I constructed a chaotic backdrop where over 20 people are depicted in a frenzy of competition with some even fist fighting while jostling for ad positioning on a huge billboard advertisement; this struggle for the most optimal outdoor ad placement is perceived as inevitably bringing power and influence. The struggle for ad placement in public space in China is not unlike a battlefield strewn with casualties after a pitched battle for power." Wang Qingsong,Home, 120x250cm, Photograph, 2005
In “Home”, I built up demolished walls of an old house. It reminded us of being allured to find treasures from rubbish when we were young. I threw in a lot of garbage, including daily waste, electrical trash, chemicals, and etc. Until now, I am still not sure if the demolished houses can be excavated to find some treasures. Probably bigger profits can be created from demolition itself, which are so popular in China when new high buildings replace the old houses.
Scènes réalistes et marquantes...
Realistic and outstanding scenes...
"Born in China in 1966. Graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts,China. Lives and works in Beijing." From the artist's Website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Photographies / Photographs
jeudi 10 mai 2007
01zu-rue d'épinal
01-zu, rue d'épinal
Je n'ai pas plus de détails sur ce film. Pour en voir plus aller sur le site...
I do not have more details on this film. To see more go on the website...
lundi 7 mai 2007
Lisa Solomon
Lisa Solomon, Cozied Target :: Blue Varigated Pekanese Stitch, embroidery on rifle target, 27" x 24", 2006
Lisa Solomon, drawing a day /week 25:: Gutermann color 110,colored pencil, pen, watercolor, and thread on papers, 2006
Lisa Solomon, drawing a day /week 31 :: Gutermann color 207 , colored pencil, pen, watercolor, and thread on papers, 2006
Hybridation et simplicité. J'aime tout simplement!
Hybridization and simplicity. I like quite simply!
"I am quite intrigued by the notion of hybridization; the fusing of elements that may at first glance appear to be unrelated. I also am drawn to found objects – altering them conceptually so that their meanings and original uses or intents are re-purposed. I like when “wrong” things are fused together i.e.: tanks made of bright pink felt, sewing onto paper, coagulant herbs or hunted animals on rifle targets, sewing with out thread (the act of mending with out its mending capabilities), the back side of embroidery shown as the front, flowered tanks “fighting” cute clouds or other things in nature.
Lisa's musings
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Broderie et couture / Embroidery and seam, Collages
dimanche 6 mai 2007
Richard Long
Richard Long, Paddy-field chaff circle, Warly tribal land, Marahashtra India, 2003
Richard Long, Slate Atlantic, tate St-Ives, 2002
Richard Long, Black, white, green, pink, purple circle, Galerie Schtudi, Glarus 1998
Richard Long est un incontournable artiste du Land Art. Forme, texture et sens...
Long Richard is an unmissible artist of Land Art. Forms, texture and sensitivity...
"Richard Long was born June 2, 1945, in Bristol, England. He studied at West of England College of Art, Bristol, between 1962 and 1965. By 1964, Long was already making Earthworks and experimenting with the idea of impermanence, a theme that would inform his work throughout his career. Long’s use of walking as an art form was introduced as early as 1967. From 1966 to 1968, he studied at the St. Martin’s School of Art, London, under Anthony Caro and Phillip King. While there, he became closely associated with fellow student Hamish Fulton." Text from Guggenheim Collection Website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Land art, Nature, Photographies / Photographs