mercredi 30 avril 2008

Tim Knowles

Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07

Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, The final work is comprised of the GPS plot as a 4metre long graphite wall drawing, a video of the walk [see stills above], a C-type print, an inkjet printed text, and the windvane.

Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, Installation view 5m x 2m, Graphite on walk, C-type print, Inkjet print, DVD & miniature monitor and mixed media object.

Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, GPS Plot of Windwalk #1

Tim Knowles,, Tree drawings '' 4 panael Weeping Wellow, 2006, Ink on paper on panel [archival quality] plus projected 6 min looped DVD, 4800 x 2200mm + projection [size variable]

Tim Knowles,, Tree drawings '' 4 panael Weeping Wellow, 2006, 50 pens suspened from the branches of a Weeping Willow tree create a drawing on 4 panels placed horizontally beneath the tree. The drawing is accompanied by a looped video of its production.

Dessins de la nature. Belle réflexion.
Nature drawing. Beautiful reflexion.

Sources: Vvork, WebUrbanist, Tim Knowles

4 commentaires:

Modern Hairwork a dit…

J'aime votre blog!

I do embroidery with human hair--please take a look if you like...
Brooklyn, NY

Modern Hairwork a dit…

I don't think my other comment went through--I love your blog and I really love your work! Please check out my hair embroidery on my blog if you get a chance.
-Jennifer (originally from Plattsburgh, NY--near you!)
now in Brooklyn, NY

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour, belle découverte, grâce à paperblog…
je garde l'adresse…

Anonyme a dit…

ciao, we discovered your blog and we find it gorgeous! Very inspiring for architects like us.