Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07
Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, The final work is comprised of the GPS plot as a 4metre long graphite wall drawing, a video of the walk [see stills above], a C-type print, an inkjet printed text, and the windvane.
Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, Installation view 5m x 2m, Graphite on walk, C-type print, Inkjet print, DVD & miniature monitor and mixed media object.
Tim Knowles, Windwalk #1, 10.08.07, GPS Plot of Windwalk #1
Tim Knowles,, Tree drawings '' 4 panael Weeping Wellow, 2006, Ink on paper on panel [archival quality] plus projected 6 min looped DVD, 4800 x 2200mm + projection [size variable]
Tim Knowles,, Tree drawings '' 4 panael Weeping Wellow, 2006, 50 pens suspened from the branches of a Weeping Willow tree create a drawing on 4 panels placed horizontally beneath the tree. The drawing is accompanied by a looped video of its production.
Dessins de la nature. Belle réflexion.
Nature drawing. Beautiful reflexion.
Sources: Vvork, WebUrbanist, Tim Knowles
mercredi 30 avril 2008
Tim Knowles
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Eco art, Installations, Land art
lundi 21 avril 2008
Kumiko Inui
Fenêtres sur le ciel. Magnifique!
Windows on the sky. Splendid!
Sources: Details, Cube me, Architecture record
samedi 19 avril 2008
Robbie Rowlands
Robbie Rowlands, The Upholsterer, 2008
L'espace courbe.
Curved space.
Sources: Wooster collective, The Upholsterer, Depot, Robbie Rowlands
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
1 commentaires
Libellés : Art de la rue / Street Art, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations
Jiyeon Song
Jiyeon Song, Experimental typography, one day poem pavillion
Poèmes de lumière... Voir le vidéo ici.
Poems of light... See the video here.
Sources: It's nice that, Monster-Munch
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Art de la rue / Street Art, Art public / Urban art, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Sculpture
Hong-sung Do
Hong-sung Do, Tourism, plexiglass, aluminium, photo, 2006
Hong-sung Do, Tourism, plexiglass, aluminium, photo, 2006
Encadrer le paysage.
To frame the landscape.
Sources: I heart photograph, Canevas international art
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Paysage / Landscape, Photographies / Photographs
Andrea Cochran
Jardins de lignes...
Gardens of lines...
Sources: Wrong Distance, Andrea Cochran
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture du paysage / Landscape architecture, Jardins / gardens
lundi 14 avril 2008
Daniel Tierney
Daniel Tierney, Wow bob wow, acrylic ink, oil, pastel and pigment print on paper, 2006
Daniel Tierney, Those rich bastards sure can set a trap, archival tape on lambda photo, 2007
Daniel Tierney, Balls, archival tape on lambda photo, 2006
Daniel Tierney, SF arts commission, acrylique on paper and spraypaint, 2007
L'invention de l'espace...
The invention of space...
Sources: Daniel Tierney, Moon River
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Papier/Paper, Peinture / Painting
Bibliothèque abandonnée / Abandoned library
Une image marquante pour les amoureux du livre!
Voir plus d'images ici...
See more images here...
Source: Fffound
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Lieux abandonnés / Abandoned places, Photographies / Photographs
samedi 12 avril 2008
Kader Attia
Kader Attia, Square dream
Juste une image...
Just an image...
Source: Today and Tomorrow
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations
lundi 7 avril 2008
Michal Budny
Michal Budny, Crumpled Letters, 2003
Michal Budny, Rain, 2004
Michal Budny, Air, 2003
Formes et fragments...
Forms and fragments...
''Michal Budny creates sophisticated, meticulous, reconstructions of objects and shapes taken from the immediate contemporary environment (postcards, advertisements, mobile phones, CD players etc.). Small, light objects made of cardboard and other kinds of paper, which is often yellowed with age, are strikingly noble and reserved in their nearly abstract form. It seems that we are dealing with timeless models of things, devoid of utility value that become the quintessence of form and time accumulated. In his recent works, Michal tries to cut out and glue together natural phenomena, which do not have a specific physical form, such as voice, rain or fog.''
Sources: Raster Gallery, Today and Tomorrow
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
1 commentaires
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Collages, Installations
Julius Popp
Fontaine de mots...
Fountain of words...
Source: Une brique rose de plus
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
1 commentaires
Libellés : Art public / Urban art, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Videos