Lisa Rienermann, Type de Sky
J'aime beaucoup ce livre et la recherche faite par son auteur. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'informations car le post d'origine est en allemand.
I like this book and the search made by his author. I do not have many information because the original post is in German.
"The following is translated from Slanted’s original German: “She then set out to find more letterforms, spending weeks only looking upwards. The more difficult letters such as Q and K were the easiest to find, she says, but admits that PhotoShop helped here and there.”" Source Dezeen & Slanted
mardi 7 août 2007
Lisa Rienermann
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 22:32
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design Graphique/Graphic design, Livres / Books, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books, Photographies / Photographs