Andy Cambra, Extraño mi jardín, 2007
1027 flowers in mixed media. Two days of work to instal them
Étant une artiste visuelle, j'apprécie de voir le montage d'une oeuvre. Beau jardin!
Being a visual artist, I appreciate to see the assembly of a work.Beautiful garden!
vendredi 31 août 2007
I miss my garden
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Jardins / gardens, Videos
mardi 28 août 2007
Jason Bruges Studio
Jason Bruges Studio, Wind to light, Collaboration with OneDotZero and Light Lab for Architecture Week June 2007. Wind to Light' is an idea that visualizes wind movement across the built form with the use of mini turbines and LEDs.
Jason Bruges Studio, Aura, 2002. Aura utlises consumer tracking software technology, to create a temporary art installation made from standard Habitat products.Commissioned by Tom Dixon at Habitat.
Jason Bruges Studio, Photo Field, Commissioned by UBS to celebrate their collaboration with Tate Modern. May 2006. A piece which enabled UBS employees to create their own galleries and experience them in a physical environment.
Jason Bruges Studio, Dotty Duven, 2005. Temporary installation commissioned by the Tate, comprising of an array of 40 wands in the main Octagon gallery.Each wand was 2 meters tall, and had a glowing sphere at the top that turned only when the rods were touched and bent.
Les installations interactives du Studio Jason Bruges sont intrigantes et pertinentes.
The interactive installations of the Studio Jason Bruges are intrigante and relevant.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Art intéractif/Interactive art, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design, Installations, Science
samedi 25 août 2007
Noriko Ambe
Noriko Ambe,Sculpaper 1, 2006 (detail) , 2006, Cuts on Housho-shi paper, pedestal
Noriko Ambe, Cutting Books in Tokyo Series, 2003,Cuts on white books,Sizes vary

Les livres modifiés et les sculptures de papiers découpés de Noriko Ambe sont fait avec précision et sensibilité... Des oeuvres habitées...
The modified books and the paper sculptures of Noriko Ambe are made with precision and sensitivity... Inhabited works...
''So to speak, I have been mapping the mysterious land between physical and emotional geography. I want to attain something sublime. The entrance of the way is detail. The detail is the key point of nature, and we are part of nature. Even though the actions are simple, I do not try to draw / cut mechanical or perfect lines in my work, for subtle natural distortions convey the nuances of human emotions, habits, or biorhythm. For this reason, I take care to make all works by hand.'' From artist website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books, Papier/Paper, Sculpture
vendredi 24 août 2007
Nando, Naoshima Standard 2, 2006, Photos Takumi Ota
''Based on these criteria, we decided to use white traffic cones for all of the signs. We also wanted to send a subtle message with them, so we added a hand touch to each and every one of them. When we put lights in some of the cones, irregularities in the metal molds used to make gave them a soft glow like light shining through Japanese handmade paper. We placed 625 of these cones at the ferry dock in Miyaura, the main entrance to the island. Once an hour, the cones are triggered by the waves, and programmed to light up to welcome visitors.''Nendo, Illoiha Omotesando, 2006, Photos Daici Ano
''To express the original brand concept of "becoming beautiful through movement", we chose the theme "rock-climbing on Omotesando" and developed a design that uses the mismatch between a rugged outdoor sport and Tokyo's fashion district to its advantage. Instead of the usual rough and outdoorsy climbing wall, we came up with the idea of using interior design elements like picture frames, mirrors, deer heads, bird cages and flower vases to create a challenging wall with hard-to-find holds and unusual finger grips.''Nendo, Fireworks house, 2005, photos Daici Ano
''We designed a house that let her see the fireworks from inside. We concentrated the plumbing and other utilities in the centre of the first floor, and surrounded them with living space in a wheelchair-accessible open plan.''
Lumière, répétition, ouverture... Nendo réalise de magnifiques projets de design, d'architecture et d'installation. Aller voir son site.
Light, repetition, opening... Nendo carries out splendid projects of design, architecture and installation. Go see his website.
Source: Dezeen
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design, Installations
Caroline Devries
Caroline Devries, Iceland
Caroline Devries, Iceland
Caroline Devries, Iceland
La neige, la glace, le blanc, le bleu, le gris... La graphique et les couleurs des photographies de Caroline Devries me touche...
Snow, ice, white, blue, gray... The graphics and the colors of the photographs of Caroline Devries touch me...
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design Graphique/Graphic design, Nature, Photographies / Photographs
mardi 21 août 2007
Ron Van Der Ende
Ron Van Der Ende, Whalers Lodge, bas relief wood, 2007
Ron Van Der Ende, Space Ops, bas relief wood, 2007
Ron Van Der Ende, Pod, bas relief wood, 2005
Ron Van Der Ende, Vostok, bas relief wood, 2006
Ron Van Der Ende, Sputnik 1 bas relief wood, 2006
Ron Van Der Ende, Lunar Orbiter, bas relief wood, 2006
J'adore les bas relief de cet artiste. J'ai un faible pour sa série sur l'espace et sur ses plus récentes oeuvres.
I adore the ''bas relief'' of this artist. I have weak for his series on space and his more recent works.
Source : The Stray Voltage (artist blog)
Arme Quinze
J'aime beaucoup cette maquette du projet CityScape. Très urbaine, dynamique et Spontané.
I like this model of the CityScape project. Very urban, dynamic and Spontaneous.
Source: The Stray
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design, Installations, Sculpture
lundi 20 août 2007
Réaction en Chaine
Réaction en chêne, La Machine, François DELAROZIERE , et SEVE, Ville de Nantes (projet piloté par Franck COUTANT)
J'aime beaucoup cette Réaction en chaîne; une serre dans les arbres...
I like this Réaction en Chaîne ; a greenhouse in the trees...
Fiche du jardin sur Jardins de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Source : Design Blog
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Jardins / gardens, Nature
Anthony Gormley
Anthony Gormley, Clearing V New Works Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA, 2005
''I was trying to destroy the fixed co-ordinates of a room and make a space/ time continuum (a line without end) that was both a thing and a drawing. The work consists of up to 7 kilometres of raw metal rod that arcs from floor to ceiling and wall to wall, creating a three-dimensional drawing in space. '' From artist website Anthony Gormley, Feeling Material II 2003 Rolled mild steel hoops various diameters 204 x 150 x 165 cm
Anthony Gormley, Feeling Material IV 2003 Rolled mild steel hoops various diameters 208 x 162 x 150 cm
''The Feeling Material works started with an attempt to describe the space of the body using a matrix formed of orbits. The rings were made from tubes cut to the same width as the wall thickness of the tube. As the tubes became larger, this process became increasingly impractical.'' From artist website
Présence par le minimalisme et la répétition.
Presence by the minimalism and the repetition.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Sculpture
vendredi 17 août 2007
Streamscape #6 temps réel 22h54 (Canada)
Streamscape est un projet d'art web très intéressant. Un programme reconstruit des paysages à partir de l'hybridation de flux de webcam distante. Pour en savoir plus visiter le site web...
Streamscape is a very interesting project of Net art. A program rebuilds landscapes starting from the hybridization of flow of distant webcam. To know more about this, visit the Web site...
mercredi 15 août 2007
Jade Pegler
J'aime le travail de Jade Pegler pour la matière et les valeurs de gris. Magnifique!
I like the work of Pegler Jade for the matter and the value of gray. Spendid!
''Jade Pegler’s work with paper and textiles combines a range of techniques including papiermache, bookbinding, hand and machine stitching, collage and origami.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Broderie et couture / Embroidery and seam, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books, Sculpture
mardi 14 août 2007
Theo Janson
Theo Janson, Animaris
Les sculptures vivantes de Theo Janson sont facinantes...
The alive sculptures of Theo Janson are facinating...
"Theo Jansen, artist, studied science at the University of Delft Holland. The first seven years being a artist he just made paintings. Then he starts a project with a big flying saucer, which could really fly. It flew over the town of Delft in 1980 and brought the people in the street and the police in commotion. Since about ten years he is occupied with the making of a new nature. Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic matierial of this new nature. He makes skeletons which are able to walk on the wind. Eventualy he wants to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives." From artist page
source: Architectradure & Mynijaplease
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Sculpture, Videos
dimanche 12 août 2007
Art in Garden
L'intégration de l'art à la nature est un sujet qui me passionne. J'ai trouvé ces deux images sur Sir Harold Hillers Gardens. Je n'ai pas cependant pas d'informations sur les auteurs de ces oeuvres.
The integration of art to nature is a subject which impassions me. I found these two images on Sir Harold Hillers Gardens. I do not have however information on the authors of these works.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Jardins / gardens, Nature
Carte Topographie d'une région de la Mongolie, Ulaanbaatar et ses environs / Topography map of an area of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar and its surroundings
Je trouve cette carte topographique magnifique!
I find this topographic map splendid!
Source Escapade en Mongolie
Béatrice Coron
Béatrice Coron, White City, 2004, Cut Tyvek, 38" x 23' (95 cm x 7 m)
Béatrice Coron, Innercy, :2001, cut Tyvek 52" x 162" (1.3 m x 4 m)
Béatrice Coron, Fleurs d'Insomnie, 2006, edition of 3, 11" x 12", Cut Arches paper
J'aime les papiers découpés de Béatrice Coron en noir ou blanc...
I like the papercut of Beatrice Coron in black or white...
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Livres d'artiste / Artists' books, Papier/Paper