Meghan Gerety, Daylight, 2005, 32 " x 72", pencil on clayboard panel
Meghan Gerety, Thru The Looking Glass, 2003, 69" x 52.5", pencil on Fabriano watercolor paper
Meghan Gerety, EvenTide, 2003, 69" x 52.5", pencil on Fabriano watercolor paper
J'aime les arbres l'hiver... Ils sont nus sans leur feuillage...
I like the trees in winter... They are naked without their foliage...
"The contemplative nature of Meghan Gerety’s work reflects both her practice of Eastern philosophy and her immersion in the history of modern and contemporary painting. The subject of her work is the landscape. Based on photographs, collected from her travels, her landscapes fuse the exploration of inner-self with the gestural energy of action painting. Inspired by Eastern philosophies, Meghan’s work plays on the notion of time, whereas any manual or intellectual work that brings a person out of his/her state of passivity is part of the process of Enlightenment. In addition to its embrace of Eastern practices, her work also recalls the work of the Abstract Expressionists and contemporary artists such as Brice Marden. Serving as an arena for this union of East and West, her self-reflective landscapes are constantly changing. Fusing the spiritual with the physical, they depict a world which is real but not realistic; a meditative space unburdened by gravity or perspective: a place of balance and harmony." From Artiste website
vendredi 13 juillet 2007
Meghan Gerety
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Nature
Stephen Eichhorn
Stephen Eichhorn, Track House, plastic, 2006
Stephen Eichhorn, Installation 006, plastic, cinder block, house paint, table, 2006
Stephen Eichhorn, Installation 006 (detail), plastic, cinder block, house paint, table, 2006
Stephen Eichhorn, Structure 1 (House), collage, 2006
Stephen Eichhorn, Structure 2, collage, 2006
Imaginaire architectural stimulant...
Imaginary architectural stimulating...
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Architecture, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Collages, Installations, Sculpture
jeudi 12 juillet 2007
Edward Burtynsky
Edward Burtynsky, Uranium Tailings No. 12,Elliot Lake, Ontario 1995
Edward Burtynsky, Nickel Tailings No. 37, Sudbury, Ontario 1996
Edward Burtynsky, Carrara Marble Quarries No. 25, Carrara, Italy 1993
Edward Burtynsky, Vermont Marble Company No. 16, Active Granite Section, Rochester, Vermont 1991
Edward Burtynsky, Oxford Tire Pile No. 5, Westley, California 1999
Les photographies de Edward Burtynsky sont des poèmes visuels sur l'activité humaine et son impact sur le paysage.
The photographs of Edward Burtynsky are visual poems on the human activity and its impact on the landscape.
"Exploring the Residual Landscape
Nature transformed through industry is a predominant theme in my work. I set course to intersect with a contemporary view of the great ages of man; from stone, to minerals, oil, transportation, silicon, and so on. To make these ideas visible I search for subjects that are rich in detail and scale yet open in their meaning. Recycling yards, mine tailings, quarries and refineries are all places that are outside of our normal experience, yet we partake of their output on a daily basis.
These images are meant as metaphors to the dilemma of our modern existence; they search for a dialogue between attraction and repulsion, seduction and fear. We are drawn by desire - a chance at good living, yet we are consciously or unconsciously aware that the world is suffering for our success. Our dependence on nature to provide the materials for our consumption and our concern for the health of our planet sets us into an uneasy contradiction. For me, these images function as reflecting pools of our times." From his website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Nature, Photographies / Photographs
lundi 9 juillet 2007
Jardins de moisissures
Petits jardins découverts sur un blog super Pruned. De belles petites moisissures qui sortent directement des catalogues de ÆGIS ASIE, un fournisseur en biodecontamination.
Small gardens discovered on a great blog Pruned. Beautiful small moulds... These ones come straight out of the catalogs of ÆGIS ASIA, a purveyor of biodecontamination.
Cecilia Afonso Esteves
Les illustrations de Cecilia sont tout simplement magnifique... J'aime particulièrement celles qui traite de jardinage...
The illustrations of Cecilia are quite simply splendid... I like particularly those which treats gardening...
BCXSY Swing lamp
Une balançoire lumineuse, très sympathique...
A luminous swing, very sympathetic...
samedi 7 juillet 2007
Jen Garrido
Jen Garrido, Around and Around , 2007, oil on panel, 36" x 36"
Jen Garrido, Panda Hug , 2007, oil on panel, 12" x 12"
Jen Garrido, Laced Ledge, 2007, oil on panel, 33" x 33 "
Jolies tableaux
Beautiful painting.
"During the process of reworking the layers, I begin to project internal images and forms, responding to personal narrative, internal dialogue and imagery that arises. In my newest paintings, I am still working with forms and rhythms that allude to those found in nature, but they have become less decorative more hybrid and formal, with complicated, tangled, overlapping shapes that weave in and out. In some work, I am referencing ladders and holes, shapes that I respond to as openings or entryways; in others, human gestures such as a hip jutting to the side or an arm stretched out, or branch-like animated shapes that could be tree trunks, legs or knees." From artist website
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Peinture / Painting
vendredi 6 juillet 2007
Erik Almas
J'adore les paysages et les portrait du photographe Erik Almas.... Allez voir son site...
I adore the landscapes and the portrait of the photographer Erik Almas.... See his website...
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Nature, Photographies / Photographs
jeudi 5 juillet 2007
Alex Dodge
Alex Dodge, Like The Sun Rippling From Beneath The Water, 2005, toner transfer and clear rubber on paper
Alex Dodge, Medial-lateral distinctions in the formation of language, 2006, ink, toner transfer, and clear rubber on paper
Alex Dodge, New Frontiers: Map 1 (edition of 5), 2003, plotter print on mylar
Alex Dodge, New Frontiers: Map 1 (detail), 2003, plotter print on mylar
Alex Dodge, New Frontiers: Map 14 (edition of 5), 2003, plotter print on mylar
J'aime beaucoup les thèmes abordé dans les oeuvres d' Alex Dodge.
I like much the topics approached in works of Alex Dodge.
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts d'impression / Printmaking, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts
mercredi 4 juillet 2007
Hinke Schreuders
Hinke Schreuders, Leave 1, 2006
Hinke Schreuders, Right, 2004
Hinke Schreuders, Chair, 2007
Hinke Schreuders, Don't, 2005
J'aime les oeuvres de Hinke Schreuders: quelque chose de féminin et troublant à la fois...
I like the works of Hinke Schreuders: something of female and disturbing at the same time...
Publié par
Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Broderie et couture / Embroidery and seam, Textile
Wallpaper, Wallpaper...
Field, Snowball
Nama Rococo, Chateau 66
Nama Rococo, Random Geometry
Rolout Costum Wallpaper, Sentence Structure by Aaron Carpenter
Habituellement, je n'aime pas le papier peint car je préfère garder l'espace pour des oeuvres d'art mais les papiers peints de Field, Nama Rococo et Rolout Custom Wallpaper font exception. Le mur entier devient une oeuvre!
Usually, I do not like wallpaper because I prefer to keep space for art but the wallpapers of Field, Nama Rococo and Rolout Custom Wallpaper are exception. The whole wall becomes a work of art !
mardi 3 juillet 2007
Akpatok Island
"Akpatok Island lies in Ungava Bay in northern Quebec, Canada. Accessible only by air, Akpatok Island rises out of the water as sheer cliffs that soar 500 to 800 feet (150 to 243 m) above the sea surface. The island is an important sanctuary for cliff-nesting seabirds. Numerous ice floes around the island attract walrus and whales, making Akpatok a traditional hunting ground for native Inuit people.This image was acquired by Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) sensor on January 22, 2001. Image provided by the USGS EROS Data Center Satellite Systems Branch." Image and info from The earth observatory Nasa website