samedi 26 mars 2011

Juliana Santacruz Herrera

 Juliana Santacruz Herrera, Projet nid de poule, 2009

Infiltration de matière.
Matter infiltration.

Sources : Lost at e minorJuliana Santacruz Herrera

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

hi, really nice work! love the way how you have incorporated the materials with the existing cracks in the pavements... it's really original, haven't seen anything similar yet... :)

Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret a dit…

It's not my work but the work of the artist Juliana Santacruz Herrera.

Timja a dit…

I'd love to stumble upon this kind of... land art(?), it would make me believe that the world is sort of magic...

Anonyme a dit…

savez vous comment la contacter juliana santacruz herrera???

Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret a dit…

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