mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Kim Asendorf (Aerial Sorted)

Kim Asendorf, Aerial sorted

Sources : Think or Smile, Kim Asendorf on Flickr

Kim Asendorf (Pixel Shorting Montain Tour)

Kim Asendorf, Pixel Shorting Montain Tour

Paysages de pixel.
Pixel landscapes.

Sources : But does it float, Think or Smile, Kim Asendorf

Yin Xiuzhen

Yin Xiuzhen, Large-scale, installation, 2010

Yin Xiuzhen, Large-scale, installation, 2010

Yin Xiuzhen, Collective subconcious, 2007

Yin Xiuzhen, Portable city : Hamilton, 2003

Yin Xiuzhen, Portable city : Stuttgart, 2010

Espace identitaire.
Space identity.

Sources : Lost at e minorYin Xiuzhen on art net

mardi 21 septembre 2010

Scott Jerrett

Scott Jerrett, untitled (mattress 3), 2010

Scott Jerrett, untitled (buckets), 2010

Scott Jerrett, untitled (milk cartons), 2010

Sculpture urbaine
Urban sculpture

Sources : Rebel art, Scott Jerrett

Lara Almarcegui

Lara Almarcegui, Bauschutt Hauptraum Secession, 2010

Lara Almarcegui, Bauschutt Hauptraum Secession, 2010

Lara Almarcegui, Bauschutt Hauptraum Secession, 2010

Extérieur à l'intérieur.
Outdoor to Indoor.

Source : Contempory Art Daily

dimanche 5 septembre 2010

Eamon Mac Mahon

Eamon Mac Mahon

Eamon Mac Mahon

Eamon Mac Mahon

Paysages glacés.
Frozen landscapes.

Sources : of paper and things, Eamon Mac Mahon

Elina Minn

Elina Minn, 2009

Elina Minn, 2009

 Elina Minn, 2009

Srtuctures impossibles.
Impossible Srtuctures.

Sources : Boooom, Elina Minn

John Borowicz

John Borowicz, Sisyphean Refuge, 22 x 30, graphite on paper, 2009

 John Borowicz, Incidental Monument, , graphite on paper

Structures dessinées.
Drawn structures.

Sources : But does it floatJohn Borowicz

Taylor Medlin

 Taylor Medlin, Towards a new Anarchitecture, UC Berkeley Thesis, 2010

  Taylor Medlin, Towards a new Anarchitecture, UC Berkeley Thesis, 2010

  Taylor Medlin, Towards a new Anarchitecture, UC Berkeley Thesis, 2010

  Taylor Medlin, Towards a new Anarchitecture, UC Berkeley Thesis, 2010

  Taylor Medlin, Towards a new Anarchitecture, UC Berkeley Thesis, 2010

Métropole imaginaire en Antarctique.
Imaginary Antarctic metropolis

Sources : Today & Tomorrow, Towards a new Anarchitecture

samedi 4 septembre 2010

Instant Hutong

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Urban Carpet Cyan, 2009

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Urban Carpet Cyan, 2009

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Identity, 2009

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Identity, 2009

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Beijing Vision, 2009

Instant Hutong, Marcella Campa & Stefano Avesani, Beijing Vision, 2009

L'imaginaire de la ville.
Imaginary of the city.
Sources : PYTR75, Instant Hutong, Behance Network

mercredi 1 septembre 2010

Gert Jan Kocken

Gert Jan Kocken, depictions of Amsterdam detail, 2010

Gert Jan Kocken, Depictions, 2010 (depictions of Amsterdam and Rotterdam)

Reconstitution temporelle et spatiale.
Time and space reconstitution.

Sources : Vvork, Gert Jan Kocken

Hand Draw Map Association


 Double twins
 La linea

Cartes imaginées.
Imagined maps.
Sources : gycouture[design], Hand Draw Map