dimanche 21 février 2010

Baptiste Debombourg

Baptiste Debombourg, Turbo, installation contextuelle en bois aggloméré mélaminé blanc, 2008

Baptiste Debombourg, Turbo, installation contextuelle en bois aggloméré mélaminé blanc, 2008

Baptiste Debombourg, Turbo, installation contextuelle en bois aggloméré mélaminé blanc, 2008

Baptiste Debombourg, Turbo, installation contextuelle en bois aggloméré mélaminé blanc, 2008

Baptiste Debombourg, Turbo, installation contextuelle en bois aggloméré mélaminé blanc, 2008

Briser l'espace.
To break space.

Sources: \\\, Baptiste Debombourg

Ansen Seale

Ansen Seale, Flux

Ansen Seale, Hallroaring Creek no.13

Ansen Seale, River of light

Ansen Seale, River of light

Répétition et lumière.
Repetition and light.

Sources : Wrong distance, Ansen Seale

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei, Soft Ground, exhibition "So Sorry" at the Haus der Kunst in Munich, photo anarchitecture

Trois installations en une.
Three installations in one.

Source : anarchitecture

MIT media lab : Relief

MIT media lab : Relief

Topographie intuitive.
Intuitive Topography.

Sources : Digital urban, MIT media lab

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano est une photographe et une mathématicienne. Elle utilise sa spécialisation pour trouver des formes et des configurations, décrites comme équations, dans les images qu'elle saisit / Nikki Graziano is a photographer and a mathematician. She uses her specialization to find forms and configurations, described as equations, in the images she captures.

Sources : Lost at e minor, Nikki Graziano

Zaha Hadid & Parrish

Zaha Hadid & Parrish | Rash, Kartal Pendik Masterplan Installation, 2008 / photo: Bettina Johae

Juste une image.
Just an image.

Source : Serial Consign

Tom Laduke

Tom Laduke, Auto Destruct, Angles Gallery

Tom Laduke, Auto Destruct (detail) , Angles Gallery

Tom Laduke, Auto Destruct (detail), Angles Gallery

Tom Laduke, Auto Destruct, Angles Gallery

Tom Laduke, Auto Destruct, Angles Gallery

Mélange de réalités.
Mix realities

Sources : The flog, Angles Gallery

Thomas Zipp

Thomas Zipp, The World’s Most Complete Congress of Strange People, Guido W. Baudach, Berlin

Thomas Zipp, The World’s Most Complete Congress of Strange People, Guido W. Baudach, Berlin

Thomas Zipp, The World’s Most Complete Congress of Strange People, Guido W. Baudach, Berlin

Thomas Zipp, The World’s Most Complete Congress of Strange People, Guido W. Baudach, Berlin


Sources: Contemporary Art Daily, Galerie Guido W.Baudach

mercredi 3 février 2010

Matthew Albanese

Matthew Albanese , Tornado made of steel wool, cotton, ground parsley and moss
Matthew Albanese , Mars # 2. Again, Paprika, cinnamon, thyme, chili powder, charcoal.
Matthew Albanese , Sugarland, Made out of 20 pounds of sugar, jello and corn syrup.

Matthew Albanese , Salt Water Falls Model made out of glass, plexiglass, tile grout, moss, twigs, salt, painted canvas & dry ice. The waterfall was created from a time exposure of falling table salt.

Paysages fabriqués.
Built landscapes.

Sources : GYcouture/design, Photography served, Matthew Albanese

Theo Tagholm

Theo Tagholm, Drift

Jouer avec le temps du paysage.
To play with the time of the landscape.

Sources : Today & Tomorrow, Theo Tagholm

Russell Leng

Russell Leng, New nature systems

Russell Leng, New nature systems (detail)

Russell Leng, New nature systems 2

Russell Leng, New nature systems 2

Russell Leng, New nature systems 2

Systèmes graphiques.
Graphic systems.

Sources : Of paper and things, Russell Leng