dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Joyeuses fêtes!
Happy holidays!

mardi 14 décembre 2010

Haegue Yang

 Haegue Yang, Voice and Wind, New Museum, New York, 2010-2011

  Haegue Yang, Voice and Wind, New Museum, New York, 2010-2011

Haegue Yang, Voice and Wind, New Museum, New York, 2010-2011

Espace en marge.
Marginal Space.

Sources : Contemporary Art Daily, Haegue Yang

Ryuji Nakamura

 Ryuji Nakamura, Cornfield, 2010

 Ryuji Nakamura, Cornfield, 2010

Ryuji Nakamura, Cornfield, 2010   

 Ryuji Nakamura, Blank room, 2010

 Ryuji Nakamura, Blank room, 2010

Espaces et matières.
Spaces and matters.

Sources : Of paper and Things, Ryuji Nakamura

Sonja Vordermaier

 Sonja Vordermaier, Formed absence of light, 2008

 Sonja Vordermaier, Formed absence of light, 2008

 Sonja Vordermaier, Schatten 28, 2009

  Sonja Vordermaier, Schatten 28, 2009

  Sonja Vordermaier, Schatten 28, 2009

Trouer l'espace.
To perforate space.

Sources : PYTR 75, Sonja Vordermaier

dimanche 12 décembre 2010

Zander Blom

Zander Blom, Untitled of The Wreck of Hope Bedroom 1 Wall 3 10.50 a.m., Wednesday, 30 August 2006

 Zander Blom, Untitled Bedroom 1 Corner 3 8.07 p.m., Thursday, 29 March 2007

 Zander Blom, Untitled Bedroom 2 Wall 1 1.58 p.m., Monday, 5 February 2007

 Zander Blom, Untitled Bedroom 1 Corner 3 11.22 p.m., Sunday, 3 December 2006

 Zander Blom, Untitled or Study for a Nude Bedroom 1 Corner 3 6.20 p.m., Thursday, 17 August 2006

Fictions d'espaces.
Fictions of spaces.

Sources : Paper and Things, Zander Blom

jeudi 2 décembre 2010

Hermann Josef Hack

Hermann Josef Hack, Weltsalon des Tollwood-Festivals, November 2010

 Hermann Josef Hack, Weltsalon des Tollwood-Festivals, November 2010

 Hermann Josef Hack, Weltsalon des Tollwood-Festivals, November 2010


Sources : Rebel Art, Hermann Josef Hack

Martin Kohout

Martin Kohout, Moonwalk, installation, 7a Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre (Brazil), 2009

Marche projective.
Projective walk.

Sources : Rebel Art, Martin Kohout

lundi 22 novembre 2010

Alexander Stuart

Alexander Stuart, Errata

Animation photocopiée.
Photocopier animation.

Sources :Rebel Art, Alexander Stuart

Joschi Herczeg & Daniele Kaehr

 Joschi Herczeg & Daniele Kaehr, Explosion 1, lambda print. 2009

  Joschi Herczeg & Daniele Kaehr, Explosion 2, lambda print. 2009

 Joschi Herczeg & Daniele Kaehr, Explosion 3, lambda print. 2009

Illusion de lumière.
Light illusions.

Sources : 72 dpi, We find wildness

samedi 6 novembre 2010

Sophie Whettnall

 Sophie Whettnall, Tancat per obres, Barcelona, 2002 

Sophie Whettnall, Tancat per obres, Barcelona, 2002

Sophie Whettnall, Tancat per obres, Barcelona, 2002 

Tracer la lumière.
Recording the light.

Sources : PYTR75, Sophie Whettnall

Henk Visch

 Henk Visch, No before, no after, 2008

 Henk Visch, Follow me, 2007

Henk Visch, Adjusting the sails of reason to the breeze of my longings, 1986 

Formes narratives.
Narrative forms.
Sources : of paper and things, Henk Visch

Lend Pencil Studio

 Lend pencil Studio, Annie Ham & Daniel Mihalyo, Blaine, Washington, USA

Cadrer le ciel.
Framind the sky.

Sources : Lost at e minor, Lend Pencil Studio

mardi 2 novembre 2010

Topographic Maps

 Chicago, détail

 Boston, détail

 Cartes de mots.
Words maps.

Sources : Moon River, Axis Maps

dimanche 31 octobre 2010

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei, Sunflower seeds, image Tate Moderne

Ai Weiwei, Sunflower seeds, image Tate Moderne
 Ai Weiwei, Sunflower seeds, photographer: david levene

Ai Weiwei, Sunflower seeds, image Tate Moderne


mardi 26 octobre 2010

Nils Nova

Nils Nova, Mind the gap, Walls 90°, Photography, Ink-jet print on paper pasted on the wall, 3 m x 6 m, Installation View: Kunsthaus Glarus, CH, 2008

Nils Nova, Schatten voran, Photography, Ink-jet print on paper pasted on the wall, 320 x 1000 cm, Installation View: Kunsthalle Luzern, CH, 2009 

Nils Nova, Tides, Ink-Jet Print on paper pasted on the wall and black painted wall, paintings on board, Installation view: Ausstellungsraum 25, Zürich, CH, 2007

Modification d'espace.
Space modification.

 Sources : Booom, Nils Nova

Hiroaki Umeda


Source : Lost at e minor

dimanche 24 octobre 2010

Igor Eskinja

Igor Eskinja, Reconstruction 1, 2008

Igor Eskinja, Java_Borneo, 2004

Igor Eskinja, Street display, 2009

Igor Eskinja, Metting in a remote place, 2009

Reconstructions d'espace.
Space reconstructions.

Sources :  Today & Tomorrow, Igor Eskinja on Flickr

Nathalie Miebach

 Nathalie Miebach, Changing WeatherGolf of Maine, 2010

 Nathalie Miebach, Urban weather Prairies, Symphonic Studies in D, 2009

 Nathalie Miebach, Antartic Explorer darkness to Lightness, 2007
  Nathalie Miebach, Barometric Pressure : Herring Cove, Cape Cod, 2008

Traduction de système.
Systems translation.

Sources : Inhabitat, Nathalie Miebach