Pravdoliub Ivanov, Enlightenment, 2008, Wall intervention, acrylic paint, dimentions variable, installation view from ARC Projects, Sofia
Pravdoliub Ivanov, Enlightenment, 2008, Wall intervention, acrylic paint, dimentions variable, installation view from ARC Projects, Sofia
Lumière & matière.
Light & texture.
Sources: Wrongdistance, Pravdoliub Ivanov
jeudi 28 mai 2009
Pravdoliub Ivanov
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 21:27 0 commentaires
Libellés : Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations
Fredo Viola
Ville tournante.
Moving city.
Source: Fredo Viola
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 21:14 0 commentaires
Libellés : Arts médiatiques, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Sons et Technologie / Sounds and Technology, Videos, Ville/City
Alex McLeod
Paysages 3D.
3D landscapes.
Source: Alex McLeod
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 21:04 1 commentaires
Libellés : 3D, Art numérique/Digital artwork, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts
Multitouch Barcelona
Interface humain.
Human interface.
Sources: Multitouch Barcelona, Lost at e manor
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 09:34 0 commentaires
Libellés : Art intéractif/Interactive art, Arts médiatiques, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Installations, Sculpture, Videos
dimanche 24 mai 2009
Niklas Goldbach
Niklas Goldbach, Empire, Video Tryptich, HD Video, PAL, Stereo, 2008
Voir les vidéos ici / See the videos here
Niklas Goldbach, Untitle (Buildings Series),10 Digital C-Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 24 x 30 cm, 2008
Niklas Goldbach, Untitle (Buildings Series),10 Digital C-Prints on Photo Archive Paper, 24 x 30 cm, 2008
Questionner l'espace et le détail.
To question space and the detail.
Sources: Today & Tomorrow, Niklas Goldbach
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 20:53 1 commentaires
Libellés : Architecture, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Dessins / Drawings, Paysage / Landscape, Photographies / Photographs, Videos
mardi 19 mai 2009
Daniel Widrig
Quelques images extraordianires.
Some extraordinary images.
Sources: Daniel Widrig
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 19:53 2 commentaires
Libellés : Art numérique/Digital artwork, Data art
mercredi 13 mai 2009
Andreas Nicolas Fischer
Andreas Nicolas Fischer, A Week in the Life, 2008
Andreas Nicolas Fischer, (detail) A Week in the Life is a visualisation of telecommunications data. The data sculpture represents my movement and communication made with my cell phone in one week. With this project I want to make people aware of the german telecommunications data retention act (Vorratsdatenspeicherung) which requires the telecommunications providers to collect the connection data of all customers, which is an unneccessary breach of privacy. What can be read from the sculpture is my position in the city through the cell sites I used., 2008
Andreas Nicolas Fischer, Poplar plywood; 80 × 140 × 35 cm; 3 Days in the Life is a visualisation of telecommunications data. The data sculpture represents my movement and communication made with my cell phone during 3 days. 2008
Andreas Nicolas Fischer, Poplar plywood, paint; 46 × 140 × 120 cm, Indizes is a data sculpture visualizing the stock market indices S & P 500, Dow Jones Industrial and NASDAQ in the year 2008 from january to november. The values are shown on the three peaks of the five rows of polygons. The data was provided by Google Finance. 2008 Systèmes et structures.
Systems and structures.
Sources: Ffffound, Andreas Nicolas Fischer
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 20:03 0 commentaires
Libellés : Art numérique/Digital artwork, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Data art, Science, Sculpture
Roof garden: photo by Peter Mauss
View of South Roof detail (Photo: Peter Mauss/ESTO)
View from Warwick Hoel, Sixth Avenue and 54th Street (Photo: Peter Mauss/ESTO)
View from top of 40 W 53rd Street (Photo: Peter Mauss/ESTO)
Jardins sur les toits.
Roof garden.
Sources: Pruned, Amercican society of landscapes architects
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 16:22 2 commentaires
Libellés : Architecture, Design, Jardins / gardens, Ville/City
mercredi 6 mai 2009
Elisa Strozyk
Elisa Strozyk, Wooden textiles
Elisa Strozyk, Wooden textiles
Elisa Strozyk, Wooden textiles
Elisa Strozyk, Wooden textiles
Elisa Strozyk, Wooden textiles
Surface et texture.
Surface and texture.
Sources: fffound, Elisa Strozyk
Carsten Nikolai
Carsten Nikolai, Syn Chron
Carsten Nikolai, Syn Chron
Carsten Nikolai, Syn Chron
Structure animée par la lumière.
Structure animated by the light.
Sources: Today & Tomorrow, Carsten Nikolai
Publié par Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret à 16:04 1 commentaires
Libellés : animation, Architecture, Arts Visuels / Visual Arts, Design, Sons et Technologie / Sounds and Technology, Videos