jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Sai Hua Kuan

Sai Hua Kuan, Ticks, 2004

Sai Hua Kuan, Ticks, 2004

Sai Hua Kuan, untitle, 2004

Sai Hua Kuan, untitle, 2004

Sai Hua Kuan, Space Drawing

Dessiner dans l'espace
To draw in space

Sources: New Art, Sai Hua Kuan

Live Earth

Sarah Cox, Live Earth, This animated short was shown at the Encounters Short Film Festival.

Une belle animation faite avec du tricot!
A beautiful animation made with knitting!

Source: Craftzine

mercredi 19 novembre 2008

Chris O'Shea & random International

Chris O'Shea, Audience, 64 head-size mirror object

Chris O'Shea, Audience, 64 head-size mirror object

Royal Opera House: Audience. from rAndom International on Vimeo.
Video production by Splitframe. Art Direction by Jem Grim.

Interaction émotive.
Emotive interaction.

Sources: Dezeen, Chris O'Shea

Nacho Carbonell

Nacho Carbonell, Por last ramas

Nacho Carbonell, Por last ramas

Maison dans un arbre...
House in a tree...

Sources: Pan dan, Nacho Carbonell

Coll-Barreu Arquitectos

OSAKIDETZA - Basque Health Department Headquarters - Bilbao, Espagne
Architects: Coll-Barreu Arquitectos - Juan Coll-Barreu & Daniel Gutiérrez Zarza
Photographs: Aleix Bagué

Structure géométrique asymétrique.
Asymmetrical geometrical structure.

Sources: Popflower, Coll-Barreu Architectos

lundi 17 novembre 2008

Maya Lin: systematic landscapes

Maya Lin, 2 x 4 landscape

Maya Lin, 2 x 4 landscape

Maya Lin, Line

Maya Lin, Lake past

Je viens de voir le catalogue d'exposition Systematic Landscapes de Maya Lin à la bibliothèque de l'UQAM. Un travail magnifique. Je cherche mes mots...

Autre message sur Maya Lin sur le Territoire des Sens.
Systematic Landscapes jusqu'au 18 janvier au Young Museum de San Francisco.

Sources: Landscape+urbanisme, Inhabitat

mercredi 12 novembre 2008

Tiner Roeder & David Krings

Tiner Roeder & David Krings, Structures/Facades

Tiner Roeder & David Krings, Structures/Facades

Tiner Roeder & David Krings, Structures/Facades

Tiner Roeder & David Krings, Structures/Facades

Inspiration de Berlin.
Berlin inspiration.

Sources: Today & Tomorrow, Tiner Roeder, David Krings

Fiona Banner

Fiona Banner, Concrete poetry, polystyrene and plaster, 2002

Fiona Banner, War Porn (detail), pencil on paper, 2004

Fiona Banner, Nude beam, Indian ink on wall 6.7 x 7.69 m Installation & detail view, 2007

Fiona Banner, Double door nude, two doors blanks, 2004

L'architecture des mots.
Architecture of the words.

Sources: Moon River, Frith street gallery