mardi 24 juin 2008

Ball-Nogues Studios

Ball-Nogues Studios, Rip curl canyon, Rice university art gallery, 2006

Ball-Nogues Studios, Rip curl canyon, Rice university art gallery, 2006

Ball-Nogues Studios, Maximillian's schell, Materials and applications, 2005

Ball-Nogues Studios, Maximillian's schell, Materials and applications, 2005

Ball-Nogues Studios, Unseen current, Extention gallery, Chicago, 2008

Ball-Nogues Studios, Unseen current, Extention gallery, Chicago, 2008

La matérialité dans l'espace...
Materiality in space...

Source: Ball-Nogues Studios

dimanche 22 juin 2008

Soojin Hyun

Soojin Hyun, House on a table

Juste une image...
Just an image...

Sources: Antitect, Design Mong

Darren Waterson

Darren Waterson, Firmament #1, oil on wood panel, 2007

Darren Waterson, Ziggurat, oil on wood panel, 2007

Architecture de lumière.
Architecture of light.

Sources: The Lumper, Darren Waterson

Maider Lopez

Maider Lopez, AdosAdos, 2007

Maider Lopez, AdosAdos, 2007

Maider Lopez, AdosAdos, 2007

Architecture humaine...
Human architecture...

Sources: Vvork, Maider Lopez

dimanche 15 juin 2008

Friederike von Rauch

Friederike von Rauch, Berlin

Friederike von Rauch, Berlin

Friederike von Rauch, Berlin

Quelques plans gris...
Some gray plans...

Sources: Consciencious, Friederike von Rauch

Carlo Bernardini

Carlo Bernardini, Permeable space, optical fibres, electro-luminescent surface, 2002, Triennal of Milan

Carlo Bernardini, Permeable space, optical fibres, 1999

Carlo Bernardini, Permeable space, optical fibres, 1999

La géométrie spaciale.
The geometry spaciale.

Sources: Today and Tomorrow, Carlo Bernardini

Barry le Va

Barry le Va, Untitled (Study for Sculpture), 2002, graphite and ink on paper, 17 x 22 inches

Juste une image...
Just an image...

Sources: Moon River, Barry le Va

Mass Studies

Mass Studies, Ring Dome

Belle réalisation!
Beautiful realization!

Sources: Shedworking, Mass Studies

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Elevated Gallery / Powerless Structures, Fig. 146 (2001), Installation view, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Powerless Structures, Fig. 111 (2001), Wood, plexiglass, aluminum, vinyl, Installationview, Portikus, Frankfurt

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Social Mobility (Staircase) (2005), Aluminium, wood, iron, and concrete

Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Powerless Structures (Prison breaking) (2002),Installationview, 25th Bienal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Jeux de perception.
Plays of perception.

Sources: Wrong Distance, Galleri Nicolai

samedi 14 juin 2008

Andreas Gefeller

Andreas Gefeller, Ohne Titel, Parking site 2, Tokyo, 2007

Andreas Gefeller, Ohne Titel, NL-Huizinge, 2005

Andreas Gefeller, Ohne Titel (detail), NL-Huizinge, 2005

Andreas Gefeller, Ohne Titel, NL-Toornwerd, 2005

Andreas Gefeller, Ohne Titel (detail), NL-Toornwerd, 2005

Une nouvelle vision du monde.
A new vision of the world.

Sources: I heart photograph, Andreas Gefeller

John-Paul Jespersen

© JP Jespersen

© JP Jespersen

De magnifiques photos...
Splendid photographs...

Sources: Exposure Compensation, John-Paul Jespersen Photography, John-Paul Jespersen Blog

samedi 7 juin 2008

Ivo Schweikhart

Ivo Schweikhart, Doopelhaushälften #1, 2002

Ivo Schweikhart, Doopelhaushälften #5, 2002

Ivo Schweikhart, Doopelhaushälften #8, 2002

Ivo Schweikhart, Doopelhaushälften #9, 2002

Ivo Schweikhart, Doopelhaushälften #6, 2002

Pareil, pas pareil...
Similar, not similar...

Sources: I heart photograph, Ivo Schweikhart

Fabiano Busdraghi

Fabiano Busdraghi, Infinite palaces and building, Place d'Italie détail.
Fabiano Busdraghi, Infinite palaces and building, Place d'Italie détail.

Fabiano Busdraghi, Infinite palaces and building, Grey La défence détail.

Répétition de formes à l'infini...
Repetition of forms ad infinitum...

Sources: Today and Tomorrow, Infinite palaces and buildings

Megan Sullivan

Megan Sullivan, Building-New Orleans, coton and polyester, 2005

Megan Sullivan, Carpark-Wales, coton and polyester, 2006

Magnifique travail de couture!
Splendid work of seam!

Sources: Little paper planes, Megan Sullivan

Dan Berger

Dan Bergeron, Documents The Residents of Regent Park

Juste une image...
Just an image...

Source: Wooster Collective

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Tommy Stockel

Tommy Stockel,The Shape of Things to Come, 2005. Honeycomb cardboard, sculptures, collages.

Tommy Stockel, Ist das Leben nicht schön?, 2006. Installation view Frankfurter Kunstverein.

Tommy Stockel, Model for Early Pyramid, 2007. Paper.

Formes et volumes...
Forms and volumes...

Sources: Winter Sleep, Tommy Stockel